Scholarships in USA

How To Apply For Professional Development Programs at Atlas Corp, USA 2022-23

This is to bring to your notice that the application window for Professional Development Programs at Atlas Corp, USA 2022-23 is now open for interested and qualified applicants.

Development Programs at Atlas Corp

Important Points 

Listed below are the summarized points you need to note about the Scholarship Programme:

  • Funding is full 
  • They take professional development courses at Atlas Corp
  • International students are eligible
  • All Fellowship level student are eligible

Brief Description

Atlas Corps is looking for social change leaders from all around the world to apply for its 12-month and 14-month Blended In-Person Fellowships in the United States in 2022/2023.

Application Deadline

The Application Deadline is May 31, 2022.

Eligible Courses

Professional Development Programs at Atlas Corp, USA 2022-23 is a scheme that looks to reward high-achieving internationals, and it is only available for the course below:

  • Professional Development 

Eligible Countries 

Students from the following nationalities are eligible:

  • All countries 

Scholarship Award Benefit

All of the following will be provided by the university: 

  • Atlas Corporation will aid overseas students in completing their fellowship program.

Degree Level

The Professional Development Programs at Atlas Corp, USA 2022-23, is primarily for Fellowship level programs.

Number of Awards

Not specified 

Eligibility Criteria

All applicants must meet the following criteria to be considered for Professional Development Programs at Atlas Corp, USA 2022-23:

  • A full-time professional experience of two years or more;
  • A bachelor’s degree or its equivalent is required.
  • Age 35 or younger; English competence (oral, written, and reading);
  • Your country or region’s commitment to tackling major social concerns.
  • Additional requirements for the 12-month US-based or 14-month Blended Fellowship in the United States include: — a commitment to return to your home country after the 12-month US-based or 14-month Blended Fellowship; — a commitment to live on a basic stipend that only covers food, shared housing, and local transportation; — receipt of a COVID-19 vaccine approved by the World Health Organization by the program start date; — citizens from most countries (except the United States) are
  • For further information about nation eligibility for the Fellowship, please see our FAQ section.
  • Check out our Frequently Asked Questions page for a more detailed description of the qualifying requirements as well as a complete list of the skill sets we’re looking for.

Application Procedure

To apply, all arranged and organized steps have been highlighted below:

  • Applicants for the Fellowship opportunity must submit their applications by May 31, 2022. To begin your Fellowship application, please click here.
  • Applicants must create an account with our online application system and preserve their login details so that they may return to the application at any time.
  • A quick eligibility test is included in the application to see if candidates fit the program’s fundamental requirements. Applicants will be required to provide information about their passport, travel/visa history, language abilities, job experience, professional skills, and social issue areas once they pass the initial eligibility exam. In addition, they will be asked to answer three short essay questions.
  • Additional attachments are also required for the Fellowship application:
    •  An official transcript or diploma from any universities previously attended.
    • Two Recommendations: Applicants must provide contact information for at least two recommenders who are familiar with them professionally. Applicants must submit their requests using the online application procedure. A request for a recommendation will be sent to their recommenders through email. The online application form has more specific instructions.
  • Applicants may submit the online application before they upload their transcript/diploma and before the recommenders complete their forms. However, applicants will not be able to proceed to the later steps of the selection process until the entire application is complete. At that stage, the Atlas Corps Selection Board will review applications to determine to select strong applicants to move on to the interview stage of the Fellowship program. The Atlas Corps Selection board includes the Atlas Corps staff and nonprofit sector, government, and business leaders from multiple countries.

Please click Professional Development Programs at Atlas Corp, USA 2022-23, to begin your application

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