Julia Jones Masters Scholarship

Julia Jones Masters Scholarship at Texas Tech University, USA 2023-24

This is to bring to your notice the application window for the Julia Jones Masters Scholarship at Texas Tech University, USA 2023-24

Julia Jones Masters Scholarship

Important Points

Listed below are the key points to be noted about Julia Jones Masters Scholarship at Texas Tech University, USA 2023-24:

  • Funding is partial.
  • They accept Public Health courses for this scholarship at Texas Tech University
  • International students are eligible
  • All Masters applicants are eligible

Brief Description

As Public Health Scholars, MPH students are sought after by the Julia Jones Matthews School of Population and Public Health. To help achieve this objective, the School will give out non-competitive $5,000 scholarships to chosen candidates for their first two semesters as scholars. Full-time enrollment is required.

See also: Mary Lou Endowed Scholarship for PhD Students at Texas Tech University, USA 2023-24

Students who have been admitted into the Master of Public Health program or other programs offered by the school and agree to participate in service learning activities in their communities will be given scholarships (up to 10 per year). An organized learning activity known as “service-learning” combines community service with planning and reflection. serving others while in school-understanding the context in which the service is rendered, the relationship between the service and their academic coursework, and their duties as citizens and professionals by performing community service in response to issues recognized by the community.

Application Deadline

Application deadline is August 18, 2023.


Eligible Courses

Julia Jones Masters Scholarship at Texas Tech University, USA 2023-24 is a scheme that looks to reward high-achieving internationals, and it is only available for the course below at the respective faculties:

  • Public Health 

Eligible Countries

Students from the following nationalities are eligible:

  • All countries

Scholarship Award Benefit

All of the following will be provided by the university:

  • Up to $5000

Degree Type

Julia Jones Masters Scholarship at Texas Tech University, USA 2023-24 is for masters students.

Number of Awards

  • Not specified 

Eligibility Criteria

All applicants must meet the following criteria to be considered for the Julia Jones Masters Scholarship at Texas Tech University, USA 2023-24:

  • Students must maintain full-time status and enroll in a minimum of 9 credits each semester in the fall and spring in order to be eligible for the award. A student will forfeit their scholarship for the following semester if they fail to maintain full-time status. Additionally, students must continue to make sufficient progress toward their degree plan and uphold good standing. A student will forfeit their scholarship for the following semester if their GPA falls below 3.0 in one semester.
  • According to state law, each student must disclose any ties to active Board of Regent members.
  • Scholarships cannot be offered to students who are related to active members of the institution’s governing body unless the scholarship is specifically given for athletic or academic achievement.  Filing a false statement is a Class B misdemeanor.  Please visit here to read a list of the current members of the Texas Board of Regents, then choose the best response below to indicate your relationship to any of them.
  • Both current and newly accepted MPH students may submit an application.

Application Procedure

The following procedure remains the only viable route to apply rightfully:

  • Click the link below and follow all the highlighted instructions

Please click the Julia Jones Masters Scholarship at Texas Tech University, USA 2023-24 to begin your application.

Frequently Asked Questions

The following are the FAQs that would help you in your scholarship search:

Julia Jones Masters Scholarship at Texas Tech University, USA ?

  • It is a Masters position for only high-achieving applicants of the scholarship at Texas Tech University

What are Tips to Increase My Chances of Getting Selected

  • Follow deadlines and give all documentation correctly upon request.

Is this Scholarship for Both Domestic and Foreign Applicants?

  • This is for only International applicants.

Not interested in this particular scholarship? See other scholarships here


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