AREF Research Development Fellowship For Sub-Sahara African Researchers 2023-24

This is to bring to your notice the application window for the AREF Research Development Fellowship For Sub-Sahara African Researchers 2023-24

Important Points
Listed below are the key points to be noted about the AREF Research Development Fellowship For Sub-Sahara African Researchers 2023-24
- Funding is partial
- All the following course offered at the host institution in respective departments and faculties are eligible for this scholarship:
- All courses.
- International students students are eligible
- All Research Fellowship applicants are eligible
Brief Description
The goal of the AREF Research Fellowship is to provide exceptional early-career African researchers with the tools they need to pursue large grant proposals, strengthen their research networks through cooperation and mentoring, and develop their own original research ideas and specialized skills. For a “planned follow-through” in the awardee’s home institution, funds will be made available this year.
The RDF Program seeks to advance young African scientists working on significant issues affecting human health in Africa by increasing their knowledge, expertise, self-assurance, and research outputs.
Infectious and non-communicable illnesses that are prevalent or have been labeled as “neglected” in Africa are included in the program’s scope.
Application Deadline
- Application deadline is September 14, 2023.
Eligible Courses
AREF Research Development Fellowship For Sub-Sahara African Researchers 2023-24 is a scheme that looks to reward high-achieving internationals, and it is only available for the course below at the respective faculties:
- All courses
Eligible Countries
Students from the following nationalities are eligible:
- All sub-Saharan African countries
Scholarship Award Benefit
All of the following will be provided by the university:
- a three- to nine-month internship in a top research center in Europe or Africa, with additional assistance up to £40,000 before and after the internship at your home university.
Degree Type
AREF Research Development Fellowship For Sub-Sahara African Researchers 2023-24 is for research fellowship applicants.
Number of Awards
- Not specified
Eligibility Criteria
All applicants must meet the following criteria to be considered for the AREF Research Development Fellowship For Sub-Sahara African Researchers 2023-24:
- Clinicians without a doctorate but with a research-relevant Master’s degree and at least two and up to seven years of active research experience. Research-active post-doctoral scientists and clinicians who are Sub-Saharan African citizens and who are employed in that region.
- Selection Standards:
- The application process will require candidates to provide a transformative, well-supported development plan that would be considerably boosted by the RDF Programme, as well as a credible, ambitious vision for their research career in a human-health concern for Africa. Potential candidates are highly advised to talk about their goals with their employing and potential host organizations as early as possible.
- AREF prioritizes equality and diversity, and we welcome submissions from scientists of any gender, color, or ethnicity.
Application Procedure
The following procedure remains the only viable route to apply rightfully:
- By the end of March 2024, we want to inform all candidates of the results of their applications.
- Successful Fellowships are anticipated to begin no later than December 2024, but no earlier than July 2024.
- All application materials must be submitted by 13:00 GMT on September 14, 2023.
- Before beginning your application, you will need:
- Learn more about the application scheme.
- Review the Instructions for Filling Out the Application Forms in their entirety.
- Terms & Conditions for AREF.
- Application materials:
- Part A of the online application form
- To fill out and upload to the online application form, download Application Form Parts B through F.
- Download the Application Form Part G – Signature Page, fill it out, and upload it after completing the online form.
- More information on our fellowship and the subjects that our Fellows, who are from all over Africa, have been studying, may be found in the readings below.
- By 8 September 2023, send an email to if you have any more queries that aren’t answered by the material.
- What’s Next?
- We will provide informational workshops and give prospective applicants additional details about the Research Development Fellowships. You may remain in touch by subscribing to our newsletter to be the first to learn about our opportunities and following us on Twitter and LinkedIn for updates.
Please click the AREF Research Development Fellowship For Sub-Sahara African Researchers 2023-24 to begin your application.
Frequently Asked Questions
The following are the FAQs that would help you in your scholarship search:
AREF Research Development Fellowship For Sub-Sahara African Researchers
- It is a research fellowship position for only high-achieving applicants of the scholarship by state or all eligible schools
What are Tips to Increase My Chances of Getting Selected
- Follow deadlines and give all documentation correctly upon request.
Is this Scholarship for Both Domestic and Foreign Applicants?
- This is for only Sub-Sahara African applicants.
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