How To Apply For The Freshman International Students Scholarships 2022 – Mississippi University for Women, Columbus, USA

The application process for the Freshman International Students Scholarships 2022 – Mississippi University for Women, Columbus, USA, is now open for prospective applicants.

Important Points
Listed below are summarized points you need to note about the Scholarship Programme
- Funding is full for tuition
- They take all courses
- International students are eligible
- Primarily for undergraduate students
Brief Description
The Freshman International Students Scholarships 2022 – Mississippi University for Women, Columbus, USA, appreciates high-achieving international undergraduate students with excellent academic records.
Application Deadline
The Application Deadline varies.
List of Courses Offered
*All courses
Eligible Countries
Students from all countries are eligible
Scholarship Award Benefit
All successful applicants for the Freshman International Students Scholarships 2022 – Mississippi University for Women will be awarded financial support for their undergraduate studies.
Eligibility Criteria
- Ten prospective freshmen students who are interested in attending Mississippi University for Women in the Fall semester but do not meet eligibility criteria can apply for the honor prize, which is dependent on their ACT/SAT score GPA.
- Information about grant applications will be communicated to international students during the admission process
- Students must be able to respond to the following question: “Why do you want to attend Mississippi University for Women, and how will obtaining this scholarship help you reach your goals?”
- Applicants must submit two translated letters of recommendation
Application Procedure
All applicants are to enroll in any of the undergraduate degree programs at the Mississippi University for Women and apply for the scholarship program.
Not interested in this particular scholarship? See other scholarships here