Gates Cambridge Scholarships For International Students 2024-25

This is to bring to your notice the application window for Gates Cambridge Scholarships For International Students 2024-25

Important Points
Listed below are the summarized points you need to note about Gates Cambridge Scholarships For International Students 2024-25:
- Funding is full
- They take all courses at Cambridge University
- International and domestic Students are eligible
- All PhD applicants are eligible
Brief Description
For the class of 2024, applications for the Gates Cambridge Scholarships For International Students will be accepted starting on 4 January 2024. For outstanding students from outside the UK who wish to pursue a full-time postgraduate degree in any topic offered at the University of Cambridge, Gates Cambridge annually awards 80 full-cost scholarships.
Ph.D. students will be eligible for around two-thirds of these grants, with about 25 awards available in the US round and 55 awards available in the international round.
Building a global network of future leaders devoted to enhancing the lives of others is the goal of the Gates Cambridge initiative. By choosing exceptional scholars, offering them financial and non-financial assistance at one of the top universities in the world, and facilitating community building at Cambridge and beyond, it hopes to accomplish this purpose.
Application Deadline
Application deadline is 4 January 2024
while application begins on September 2, 2022 for Gates Scholarships
Eligible Courses
The Gates Cambridge Scholarships For International Students at Cambridge University, UK 2024 is a scheme that looks to reward high-achieving internationals, and it is only available for the course below:
- All courses
Eligible Countries
Students from the following nationalities are eligible for Gates Cambridge Scholarships For International Students.
- All Countries
Scholarship Award Benefit
All of the following will be provided by the university:
- The complete cost of attending Cambridge University is covered by a Gates Cambridge Scholarship. Additionally, it gives money for the purchase of books, going to conferences, and carrying out experimental research.
- Academic fees charged by the university at the appropriate amount. For complete information regarding exact amounts, applicants should consult the Graduate Studies prospectus. The University Composition Fee varies for different types of students. A student from the European Union who has been awarded fees by public authorities must accept this award; the Trust will not cover these costs.
- maintenance allowance (17,848 for 12 months at the rate of 2024; pro rata for courses lasting less than 12 months) for a single student; for Ph.D. scholars, the reward is for up to 4 years.
- At the start and finish of the route, there is just one economical single flight.
- Costs of immigration health surcharge and inbound visas
- The Gates Trust additionally evaluates requests for a variety of extra money on a discretionary basis:
- Depending on the length of your course, you may be eligible for funding for academic advancement that ranges from $500 to $2,000 for conferences and courses.
- Family allowance: up to £10,120 for a child and up to £14,440 for two or more (2024 rate). A partner is not given any funding.
- Fieldwork – As part of your Ph.D., you may apply to maintain your standard maintenance allowance while on the field (the Trust does not fund other fieldwork costs as these should be funded by the University Composition Fee).
- If you need financing for maternity or paternity leave, you can seek to put your studies on hold for up to six months while still receiving your maintenance allowance.
- Financial assistance for unforeseen circumstances
Degree Type
Gates Scholarships at Cambridge University, UK 2024 is primarily for PhD programs.
Number of Awards
Eligibility Criteria
All applicants must meet the following criteria to be considered for the This is to bring to your notice the application window for Gates Cambridge Scholarships For International Students 2024-25 at Cambridge University.
- If you are: you are eligible to apply for a Gates Cambridge Scholarship.
- the national of any nation other than the United Kingdom
- applying to enroll in one of the University of Cambridge’s full-time residential programs in any of the following subjects: PhD, MSc, and MLitt a yearlong postgraduate program
- You can apply for a Gates Cambridge Scholarship if you are a current Cambridge student who wants to enroll in a new postgraduate program.
Application Procedure
The following procedure remains the only viable route to apply rightfully for Gates Scholarships
- Through the university’s Graduate Application Portal, candidates submit their Gates Cambridge Scholarship applications for admission and funding (Gates Cambridge and additional scholarships) (Link given at the end of the article).
- You must fill out both the Gates Cambridge portion of the funding section and the form to apply for admission to a course and a college place in order to be eligible for a Gates Cambridge Scholarship. When evaluating applicants, Gates Cambridge has access to the complete admission and grant application.
- The admission area is where you apply for both a college spot and a specific graduate programme. You will give all the typical information about your background in academics, future plans, and suitability for the suggested course.
- The following is a question on the application form:
- Please describe why you are applying for a Gates Cambridge Scholarship and how you fit the four primary requirements in no more than 3000 characters (about 500 words).
- Gates Gates provided one personal reference and two academic recommendations to Cambridge for admission.
- Candidates for the scholarship from Cambridge provide a reference supporting their suitability. They inquire in the application form:
- Please comment on whether you believe the candidate qualifies for a Gates Cambridge Scholarship. These are given based on the following factors: leadership potential, academic prowess, rationale for the choice, of course, and a dedication to bettering others’ lives.
- Gates Cambridge oversees two rounds of selection annually. On September 2, 2022, applications for the Gate Cambridge Scholarships 2023 will be accepted; the deadline is anticipated to be October 15, 2022. The Gate Cambridge Scholarship application deadline is in December. US citizens’ applications expire in October.
- The following supporting materials must be included with your application:
- copies of the diplomas from undergrad and grad
- For candidates for doctoral degrees, a research proposal
- a replica of a passport that is good for at least a year
- Motivational statement with resume for employment
- At least two professors from the prior institution should write recommendations. a study plan
- a copy of each transcript
- Resume for scholarship applications
- Motivational letter outlining the reasons for applying for the Gate Cambridge Scholarships.
- Purpose statement (SOP)
Please click the Gates Scholarships at Cambridge University, UK 2024-25, to begin your application.
Frequently Asked Questions
The following are the FAQs that would help you in your scholarship search for the Gates Scholarships:
What is the Gates Scholarships at Cambridge University, UK?
- It is a PhD position for only high-achieving applicants of the scholarship at the Cambridge University
What are Tips to Increase My Chances of Getting Selected
- Follow deadlines and give all documentation correctly upon request.
Is this Scholarship for Both Domestic and Foreign Applicants?
- This is for only international and domestic applicants for the Gates Scholarships
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