How To Apply For JAM International Student Scholarship (Non-EU Citizen), Australia 2022

The application process for JAM International Student Scholarship (Non-EU Citizen), Australia 2022, is now open for prospective applicants.

Important Points
Listed below are summarized points you need to note about the Scholarship Programme
- Funding is partial
- They take all music-related courses
- International students are eligible
- Primarily for undergraduate and graduate students
Brief Description
JAM International Student Scholarship (Non-EU Citizen), Australia 2022, is an international sand domestic student scholarship program designed to appreciate high-achieving students.
Application Deadline
The Application Deadline varies.
Eligible Courses
- Music
Eligible Countries
Students from all nationalities are eligible
Scholarship Award Benefit
Successful applicants of the Scholarship scheme are awarded EUR 3,250 by JAM Music Lab
for two semesters
Eligibility Criteria
To be eligible, the following criteria must be met:
- Must have been accepted in the applied program by JAM.
Application Procedure
Click JAM International Student Scholarship (Non-EU Citizen), Austria, to apply
Not interested in this particular scholarship? See other scholarships here