International Undergraduate Student Bursary at University of Manitoba 2020-2021

The deadline for the international undergraduate student bursary scholarship is 1 Oct 2020 but not to worry it is an annual scholarship. this means that there is an opening for the scholarship every year and the deadline is always in October.
Scholarship location is in Canada
The course starts Jan/Sept 2021
Brief description:
The University of Manitoba is making available the International Undergraduate Student Bursary scholarships, for international students with good academic standing, and with demonstrated financial needs, who are undertaking Bachelors degree programmes in both the fall and winter terms. The scholarship is opened to all international students irrespective of where you are from. Please read through to find if you are eligible for this scholarship.
Host Institution(s):
The host institution of the international undergraduate student bursary scholarships is the prestigious University of Manitoba in Canada.
Level/Field(s) of study:
Available fields of study includes Bachelors degrees in any subject, you can check the official website for the scholarships that is provided below.
Number of Scholarships:
The number of scholarships available for the international undergraduate bursary scholarships is not specified, you would have to check the official website to make further enquires.
Target group:
The target groups for the international undergraduate student bursary scholarships are International students from all over the world. This means that any student can apply for the scholarship no matter where you are from or your nationality as far as you qualify for the scholarship.
Scholarship value/inclusions:
The total amount of scholarships available each year is $240,000, which will be divided equally among successful the scholarship recipients.
All students must complete all courses in both the fall and winter terms to be eligible for the scholarships. In most cases, students must register for and complete at least 60 percent of a full course-load per term (i.e., a minimum of 9 credit hours per term). Graduate students do not have to adhere to credit hour minimums provided they are registered as full-time students over the fall and winter terms with the Faculty of Graduate Studies.
Please make enquires from the department of the course you are interested in to find out their own requirements.
Applicants must meet the minimum G.P.A. requirements. Continuing students must have a minimum degree G.P.A. of 2.0. New students (from high school) must have a grade 12 average of 70% or higher. Students admitted on Mature Student Status may also be eligible for bursary consideration. International students in their first year of post-secondary study in Canada are not eligible to apply to the general bursary program.
Application instructions:
Applications are currently closed. But this does not hinder you from preparing for the scholarship next year as it is awarded annually to eligible student. Find out more about the scholarship and the host institution to be sure you want to apply for the scholarship.
The financial needs on the applicants must be clearly documented on the application. Students who have already applied for government students loans from other provinces must provide a copy of a current official government loan assessment to support their declaration of financial need. The University of Manitoba General Bursary Application is available from the beginning of August every year until 1 October annually. Do not be dismayed if you missed the deadline this year because there is another opportunity for you to apply in August 2021.
It is important to visit the official website (link found below) for detailed information on how to apply for this scholarship in order for you not to apply wrongly thereby losing your chances of getting the scholarship.
Official Scholarship Website: you can get more information about the international undergraduate student bursary scholarship.