DAAD PRIME Research Scholarships, Germany 2022-23 


This is to bring to your notice the application window for DAAD PRIME Research Scholarships, Germany 2022-23


Important Points 

Listed below are the summarized points you need to note about DAAD PRIME Research Scholarships, Germany 2022-23: 

  • Funding is partial
  • They take all courses at all participating universities 
  • International Students are eligible
  • All Postdoctoral Research applicants are eligible

Brief Description

The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) offers young postdocs the opportunity to combine a research phase in Germany with a length of time spent conducting research abroad thanks to co-funding from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the European Union. This program is unique in that it offers jobs rather than scholarships. Postdoctoral researchers from all nations and fields are encouraged to apply.


Application deadline is August 31, 2022.

Eligible Courses

The DAAD PRIME Research Scholarships, Germany 2022-23 is a scheme that looks to reward high-achieving internationals, and it is only available for the course below:

  • All courses 

Eligible Countries 

Students from the following nationalities are eligible:

  • All Developing Countries 

Scholarship Award Benefit

All of the following will be provided by the university:

  • basic income, an overseas allowance, as well as travel reimbursements for the researcher’s partner, spouse, and kids
  • Invitation to a seminar on orientation before the program starts
  • Research was conducted for 18 months.
  • six months in Germany out of twelve months spent overseas

Degree Type 

DAAD PRIME Research Scholarships, Germany 2022-23 is primarily for Postdoctoral Research programs.

Number of Awards

Not specified

Eligibility Criteria

All applicants must meet the following criteria to be considered for the DAAD PRIME Research Scholarships, Germany 2022-23

  • Free choice of country for the research phase abroad, provided the candidate did not spend a total of more than twelve months there in the previous three years. Agreement of host institutions in Germany and abroad. Confirmation from the German host that it is willing to employ the postdoctoral researcher for the entire funding period if funding is approved. PhD completed prior to the start of funding.

Application Procedure

The following procedure remains the only viable route to apply rightfully:

  • In the application portal, the application form is accessible. To access the portal, click Stipendiendatenbank für Deutsche, enter your Fachrichtung (the topic of your research), Zielland (the location of your time abroad), Status “Promovierte” (your position), and program.
  • Please follow the portal registration instructions carefully, select English as the portal language, turn on the compatibility view of your browser if necessary, and select English as the language for your browser. Please select “personal funding” from the menu after logging into the portal.

Please click the DAAD PRIME Research Scholarships, Germany 2022-23, to begin your application.

Frequently Asked Questions

The following are the FAQs that would help you in your scholarship search:

What is the DAAD PRIME Research Scholarships, Germany?

  • It is a Postdoctoral Research position for only high-achieving applicants of the scholarship at the University of Guelph 

What are Tips to Increase My Chances of Getting Selected

  • Follow deadlines and give all documentation correctly upon request.

Is this Scholarship for Both Domestic and Foreign Applicants?

  • This is for only international applicants.

Not interested in this particular scholarship? See other scholarships here

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