Scholarships in USA

NED Reagan-Fascell Democracy Fellowship for Developing Countries, USA 2024-25

This is to bring to your notice the application window for the NED Reagan-Fascell Democracy Fellowship for Developing Countries, USA 2024-25

Democracy Fellowship for Developing Countries

Important Points 

Listed below are the key points to be noted about the NED Reagan-Fascell Democracy Fellowship for Developing Countries, USA 2024-25:

  • Funding is full 
  • All the following course offered at the host institution in respective departments and faculties are eligible for this scholarship:
    • All courses 
  • International students students are eligible
  • All Fellowship applicants are eligible

Brief Description

The Reagan-Fascell Democracy Fellows Program offers fellowships lasting five months. These fellowships are designed for practitioners who aim to focus on strategies and best practices for advancing democracy in their chosen country. Additionally, scholars have the opportunity to pursue original research projects for future publication. These projects can encompass various aspects of democratic development, such as economics, politics, social issues, legal matters, and cultural influences. The program encourages a diverse range of methodologies and approaches.

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The National Endowment for Democracy (NED) is a private, nonprofit foundation with a mission to foster and strengthen democratic institutions worldwide. Established in 1983, it was funded by the U.S. Congress. Each year, the Endowment provides numerous grants to support organizations and initiatives that promote democracy in regions including Africa, Asia, Eurasia, Latin America, and the Middle East.

Application Deadline

  • Application deadlines is October 31, 2023

Eligible Courses

NED Reagan-Fascell Democracy Fellowship for Developing Countries, USA 2024-25 is a scheme that looks to reward high-achieving internationals, and it is only available for the course below at the respective faculties:

  • All courses 

Eligible Countries

Students from the following nationalities are eligible:

  • Developing Countries 

Scholarship Award Benefit

All of the following will be provided by the university:

In addition to being fully funded, the following comes as an addition:

  • Research
  • Capacity Building
  • Impact
  • Exchange

Degree Type

NED Reagan-Fascell Democracy Fellowship for Developing Countries, USA 2024-254 is for Fellowship applicants.

Number of Awards

  • Not specified 

Eligibility Criteria

All applicants must meet the following criteria to be considered for the NED Reagan-Fascell Democracy Fellowship for Developing Countries, USA 2024-25:

For Practitioner Track:

1. Practical Experience Matters

  • Applicants interested in the practitioner track should possess substantial practical experience.
  • They should have a background in promoting democracy or human rights in their country of interest.

2. No Specific Degree Required

  • There are no specific degree requirements for the practitioner track.
  • A Ph.D. is not mandatory for practitioner applicants.

3. Diverse Age Range

  • There are no age limits for applicants on the practitioner track.
  • Typically, these applicants are mid-career professionals.

4. Professional Experience is Key

  • Practitioner track applicants should have several years of professional experience.
  • This experience should be in the field of democracy and human rights.

5. Eligible Candidates Include:

  • Human rights advocates.
  • Lawyers.
  • Journalists.
  • Labor leaders.
  • Political party activists.
  • Diplomats.
  • Professional staff of civic or humanitarian organizations.
  • Other civil society professionals from developing and aspiring democracies.

For Scholarly Track

1.Doctorate Required

  • Applicants interested in the scholarly track should hold a doctorate (Ph.D. or its academic equivalent) at the time of application.

2. Strong Publication Record

  • Scholarly track applicants must demonstrate a proven record of publications in their field of expertise.

3. Detailed Research Plan

  • To qualify for the scholarly track, applicants need to have a well-developed research outline for their fellowship project.

4. Eligible Candidates Include:

  • College and university professors.
  • Researchers.
  • Journalists.
  • Writers from developing and aspiring democracies.
  • Distinguished scholars from established democracies are also eligible.

5. Scholarly Publications May Qualify

  • Occasionally, professionals planning to write a book or another scholarly publication may be eligible to apply for the scholarly track.

Eligibility Requirement for all Applicants

  • Citizens of any country may apply
  • Proficiency in the English language
  • Topics focusing on the political, social, economic, legal, or cultural aspects of democratic development
  • Availability to be in residence at the International Forum for Democratic Studies in Washington, D.C., during the year for which candidates are applying for a fellowship

Application Procedure

The following procedure remains the only viable route to apply rightfully:

Applicant Information

  • Begin by providing your personal details and contact information.

2. Project Proposal

  • Depending on your chosen track (Practitioner or Scholarly), submit a proposal outlining your project.

3. Letters of Recommendation

  • Arrange for letters of recommendation to support your application.

4. Resume/CV and Bio

  • Include your resume or CV along with a brief biography.

5. Certification

  • Complete the necessary certification steps.

Important Notes:

  • This program doesn’t offer scholarships, financial aid, or educational degrees.
  • It’s not an academic degree program; rather, it’s a fellowship program focused on democracy and human rights.

Please click the NED Reagan-Fascell Democracy Fellowship for Developing Countries, USA 2024-25 to begin your application.

Frequently Asked Questions

The following are the FAQs that would help you in your scholarship search:

NED Reagan-Fascell Democracy Fellowship for Developing Countries, USA

  • NED Reagan-Fascell Democracy Fellowship for Developing Countries is a Fellowship position for only high-achieving applicants of the scholarship by National Endowment for Democracy

What are Tips to Increase My Chances of Getting Selected

  • Follow deadlines and give all documentation correctly upon request.

Is this Scholarship for Both Domestic and Foreign Applicants?

  • Democracy Fellowship for Developing Countries is for International applicants.

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