Fulbright Joint Supervision Program

Fulbright Joint Supervision Program, USA 2024-25

This is to bring to your notice the application window for the Fulbright Joint Supervision Program, USA 2024-25 has now been opened for the general public to apply.

Fulbright Joint Supervision Program

Important Points 

Listed below are the key points to be noted about the Fulbright Joint Supervision Program, USA 2024-25:

  • Funding is full 
  • All the following courses offered at the host institution in respective departments and faculties are eligible for this scholarship:
    • All courses 
  • International students are eligible
  • All PhD applicants are eligible

Brief Description

The Fulbright Program, established in 1946 by Senator J. William Fulbright, is a prestigious cultural exchange initiative aiming to foster intercultural understanding and diplomacy between the United States and other nations. It provides competitive scholarships and grants for American citizens, including students, scholars, professionals, and artists, to engage in educational pursuits, research endeavors, teaching roles, and artistic expressions abroad. Likewise, individuals from foreign countries have the opportunity to pursue similar activities in the United States. Administered by organizations like the Institute of International Education, the program operates in over 160 countries and is funded through appropriations from the U.S. Congress, supplemented by contributions from partner governments, foundations, corporations, and host institutions.

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Approximately 8,000 grants are awarded annually, benefitting a diverse range of recipients including U.S. students, scholars, and foreign participants. The program’s impact is profound, with over 370,000 individuals having participated since its inception. Notably, 62 Fulbright alumni have received Nobel Prizes, and 88 have been awarded Pulitzer Prizes. Moreover, the Fulbright Joint-Supervision Program facilitates Moroccan doctoral candidates’ study and research in American universities, with the support of U.S.-based Ph.D. co-supervisors. Candidates may spend up to one or two years in the U.S., conducting research, attending classes, and benefitting from the guidance of their American mentors.

Application Deadline

  • The application deadline is December 15, 2023.

Eligible Courses

The Fulbright Joint Supervision Program, USA 2024-25 is a scheme that looks to reward high-achieving internationals, and it is only available for the courses below at the respective faculties:

  • All courses 

Eligible Countries

Students from the following nationalities are eligible:

  • Morocco

Scholarship Award Benefit

The university will provide all of the following:

  • A monthly stipend for a total of 12 months while at the American university, divided into two periods if appropriate
  • One or two round-trip, economy class flights between Morocco and the American host university (request for number of trips must be confirmed at time of application)
  • Reasonable charges at the American host university, subject to MACECE’s and the U.S. co-supervisor’s approval
  • An allowance of up to $1000 for the purchase of books and materials
  • An allowance of up to $1000 for the purchase or rental of necessary academic equipment
  • Medical insurance covering the grantee’s period(s) of stay in the U.S.
  • MACECE also provides an economy-class round-trip ticket and per diem for the American co-supervisor to attend the Ph.D. thesis defense of the Moroccan student and to spend up to one week in Morocco connecting with Moroccan colleagues and universities.
  • The Joint Supervision grant is preferably for one round-trip, economy-class flight to the USA, but upon request, the grant can be divided into two trips.  The minimum research time allowed under the grant is two months.

Degree Type

The Fulbright Joint Supervision Program, USA 2024-25 is for masters applicants.

Number of Awards

  • Not specified 

Eligibility Criteria

All applicants must meet the following criteria to be considered for the Fulbright Joint Supervision Program, USA 2024-25:

  1. Not eligible if currently enrolled in a U.S. educational institution.
  2. Ineligible if worked abroad for more than two years.
  3. Disqualification for employees, close family members, or dependents of MACECE, MACECE board officers, U.S. Embassy or U.S. Department of State personnel, or their affiliated individuals.
  4. Ineligibility for individuals associated with organizations responsible for nominating or selecting participants for Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs exchange programs (e.g., cooperating agencies like Amideast, etc.).

Application Procedure

The following procedure remains the only viable route to apply rightfully:

  1. Host Professor Invitation: Ph.D. candidates must secure an invitation from an American professor willing to host them for a one-year research stint.
  2. TOEFL Requirements:
    • Sciences/Engineering Candidates: Minimum 477 paper-based or 53 internet-based TOEFL score.
    • Humanities Candidates: Minimum 500 paper-based or 61 internet-based TOEFL score.
    • Alternatively, TOEIC or IELTS Academic scores are accepted. B.A. holders in English Studies are exempt.
  3. Application Documents:
    • Provide diplomas and their corresponding transcripts.
    • Submit three recommendation letters focusing on the applicant’s suitability as a doctoral student and research capabilities.
    • Obtain an approval letter from the Moroccan supervisor, permitting the candidate to pursue a year of research in the U.S.
  4. Invitation from American Co-supervisor:
    • The American co-supervisor must extend an invitation, specifying the research facilities available (e.g., office space, lab access, library privileges, etc.).
  5. Tailored Thesis Proposal:
    • Clearly state the dissertation’s hypothesis and purpose early in the proposal.
    • Contextualize the research within the global and Moroccan research landscape.
    • Emphasize how the proposal aligns with Morocco’s national development priorities.
    • Provide a concise literature review with an up-to-date bibliography.
  6. Proof of Ph.D. Candidacy:
    • Furnish documentation confirming current enrollment as a Ph.D. student.
  7. Research Objectives and Personal Statement Essays:
    • Clearly articulate why conducting research in the U.S. for one year is essential for the applicant’s research goals.
  8. Curriculum Vitae (CV):
    • Include a comprehensive CV detailing academic achievements, research experiences, and relevant qualifications.

Remember, these requirements serve as crucial components for a successful application to the Ph.D. program under the Fulbright Joint-Supervision Program.

Please click the Fulbright Joint Supervision Program, USA 2024-25 to begin your application.

Frequently Asked Questions

The following are the FAQs that would help you in your scholarship search:

Fulbright Joint Supervision Program, USA

  • Fulbright Joint Supervision Program is a PhD position for only high-achieving applicants of the scholarship by Accredited Institutions.

What are Tips to Increase My Chances of Getting Selected

  • Follow deadlines and give all documentation correctly upon request.

Is this Scholarship for Both Domestic and Foreign Applicants?

  • Fulbright Joint Supervision Program is for International applicants.

Not interested in this particular scholarship? See other scholarships here


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