Right Livelihood College International Workshops

Fully Funded Right Livelihood College International Workshops For PhD Students, Germany 2023-24

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Right Livelihood College International Workshops

Important Points 

Listed below are the key points to be noted about the Fully Funded Right Livelihood College International Workshops For PhD Students, Germany 2023-24:

  • Funding is full
  • All the following course offered at the host institution in respective departments and faculties are eligible for this scholarship:
    • Political science
    • Law
    • Development studies
    • Sociology
    • Geography
    • Ethnology
    • Topic-related research
  • International Students students are eligible
  • All PhD and Workshop applicants are eligible

Brief Description

From September 25 (arrival date) through September 28 (exit date), 2023, the workshop will be held in Bonn. Along with Nnimmo Bassey, Laureate of the “Alternative Nobel Prize” and Director of the Health of Mother Earth Foundation from Nigeria, PhD candidates and senior professionals will participate. English will be used during the workshop.

Globally, the concepts of sustainable agriculture and local subsistence have permeated both research and practice. Sustainable agriculture offers a tremendous potential for positive rural transformation and pro-poor growth in many countries of the so-called Global South, in addition to increasing food supply for expanding populations and ecosystem protection.

However, the dominant paradigm of economic growth, which is frequently combined with agricultural industrialization, has significant negative effects on the viability of rural systems and the livelihoods of farmers. Systems are evolving much and quickly.

Application Deadline

  • Application deadline is July 30, 2023.

Eligible Courses

Fully Funded Right Livelihood College International Workshops For PhD Students, Germany 2023-24 is a scheme that looks to reward high-achieving internationals, and it is only available for the course below at the respective faculties:

  • Political science
  • Law
  • Development studies
  • Sociology
  • Geography
  • Ethnology
  • Topic-related research

Eligible Countries

Students from the following nationalities are eligible:

  • All Countries in the following continent:
    • Asia
    • Africa
    • Latin America

Scholarship Award Benefit

All of the following will be provided by the university:

  • The scholarships will cover all expenses for internal travel within Germany, lodging at a hotel in Bonn, full meals, and supplies. Several social and cultural side-events will include the training into their schedule..

Degree Type

Fully Funded Right Livelihood College International Workshops For PhD Students, Germany 2023-24 is for PhD and Workshop applicants.

Number of Awards

  • Not specified 

Eligibility Criteria

All applicants must meet the following criteria to be considered for the Fully Funded Right Livelihood College International Workshops For PhD Students, Germany 2023-24:

  • PhD candidates from Latin America, Asia, and Africa who specialize in fields like political science, law, development studies, sociology, geography, or ethnology and do topic-related research.
  • Those who are in the middle or final stages of their PhD studies are preferred.
  • You must speak English flawlessly.
  • Women’s applications are especially encouraged.

Application Procedure

The following procedure remains the only viable route to apply rightfully:

  • Your submission should include:
  • Application through email stating your PhD subject, the German institution and university where you are enrolled, and the location from which you want to travel to Bonn
  • Europass CV Format
  • A 300-word maximum English abstract of your PhD research
  • The cutoff date is July 30, 2023. By August 8, 2023, participants who have been chosen will be notified.
  • Please email Dr. Till Stellmacher your applications at

Please click the Fully Funded Right Livelihood College International Workshops For PhD Students, Germany 2023-24 to begin your application.

Frequently Asked Questions

The following are the FAQs that would help you in your scholarship search:

Fully Funded Right Livelihood College International Workshops For PhD Students, Germany

  • Right Livelihood College International Workshops is a PhD and Workshop position for only high-achieving applicants of the scholarship by Right Livelihood College 

What are Tips to Increase My Chances of Getting Selected

  • Follow deadlines and give all documentation correctly upon request.

Is this Scholarship for Both Domestic and Foreign Applicants?

  • This is for only International applicants.

Not interested in this particular scholarship? See other scholarships here


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