National Participant Network Scholarship at Global Biodiversity Information Facility, Australia 2023-24

This is to bring to your notice the application window for the National Participant Network Scholarship at Global Biodiversity Information Facility, Australia 2023-24

Important Points
Listed below are the key points to be noted about National Participant Network Scholarship at Global Biodiversity Information Facility, Australia 2023-24:
- Funding is partial
- They accept all degree courses for this scholarship at the Global Biodiversity Information Facility
- International students are eligible
- All Postgraduate applicants are eligible
Brief Description
The GBIF Secretariat is happy to accept nominations for the 2023 Graduate Researcher Award on behalf of the National Participant Network. Graduate students whose master’s and doctorate studies are based on data from GBIF are encouraged and recognized through this yearly program for their creative research and discoveries in the field of biodiversity informatics.
An annual program called the Graduate Researchers Award (formerly known as the Young Researchers Award) promotes creative study and discovery in the field of biodiversity informatics. Two graduate students—typically one Master’s candidate and one Ph.D. candidate—nominated by GBIF Participant nations receive rewards from the GRA.
Application Deadline
Application deadline is May 19, 2023.
Eligible Courses
National Participant Network Scholarship at Global Biodiversity Information Facility, Australia 2023-24 is a scheme that looks to reward high-achieving internationals, and it is only available for the course below at the respective faculties:
- All courses
Eligible Countries
Students from the following nationalities are eligible:
- All international countries
Scholarship Award Benefit
All of the following will be provided by the university:
- The 2023 program will provide two awards totaling €5,000 to honor the efforts of two early-career researchers—ideally a master’s candidate and a PhD student—who are nominated in writing by the Heads of Delegations or communication node administrators of GBIF participating states..
Degree Type
National Participant Network Scholarship at Global Biodiversity Information Facility, Australia 2023-24 is for Postgraduate students.
Number of Awards
- Not specified
Eligibility Criteria
All applicants must meet the following criteria to be considered for the National Participant Network Scholarship at Global Biodiversity Information Facility, Australia 2023-24:
- To be qualified for the grant, applicants must submit a letter of support confirming their enrollment in a graduate-level academic program. Candidates must either be citizens of GBIF participating nations.
- Students from a school in a nation that is a participant in the GBIF
- Nominations may originate from either the country of the candidate’s host institution or the GBIF Delegation or Node of the candidate’s country of citizenship.
Application Procedure
The following procedure remains the only viable route to apply rightfully:
- To apply, visit the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) website below
- The Head of Delegation or Head of Communications Node of a GBIF Participating Country, whether Voting or Associate (see complete list), should be contacted by students requesting nomination. Each national participant is in charge of creating their own procedures and timetables for collecting and handling student application materials. Young students should thus check the websites of their country’s GBIF participants or get in touch with the Head of Delegation or Node Leader directly if they desire to be nominated.
- Prioritization of student ideas is done initially at the national level. GBIF National Nodes are urged to collaborate closely with local academic groups, higher education institutions, and research organizations, as well as to reach out to pertinent academic programs and organizations.
Please click the National Participant Network Scholarship at Global Biodiversity Information Facility, Australia 2023-24 to begin your application.
Frequently Asked Questions
The following are the FAQs that would help you in your scholarship search:
What is the Acceptable Eligible Degree Type For the National Participant Network Scholarship at Global Biodiversity Information Facility
- It is a Postgraduate position for only high-achieving applicants of the scholarship at the Global Biodiversity Information Facility
What are Tips to Increase My Chances of Getting Selected
- Follow deadlines and give all documentation correctly upon request.
Is this Scholarship for Both Domestic and Foreign Applicants?
- This is for only International applicants.
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