23-year-old Nursing Mother, Montoya Timaya Major Shows Gratitude as She Bags 3 Degrees

Montoya Timaya Major

A 23-year-old graduate and mother of twins named Montoya Timaya Major have described her academic career, her challenges, and how she overcame them.

Montoya Timaya Major

She said on Facebook that she had to face several difficulties on her own, including giving birth to her twins through C-section. She was however pleased with her second Bachelor’s in Cardiovascular Sonography and her Master’s in Health Science degrees.

“There were originally 26 participants in our program, and I am now one of the 17 who will graduate. I discovered I was pregnant five months after beginning my PhD program,” Montoya Timaya Major recalled. She continued by saying that when she told her program director she was expecting twins, he advised her to take a break and return the following year since it would be “almost impossible” to complete the program with two kids.

“Until the day I gave birth, I attended class every single day. I was committed to completing it. Because it was “inappropriate that I missed a week of school,” Montoya Timaya Major recalled, I wasn’t back in class until a week after having a c-section. Montoya said that being preoccupied with caring for her children caused a sharp decline in her academic performance.

“My anxiety skyrocketed, and my grades fell DRASTICALLY. I was really frightened of failing and losing everything, especially my children. I truly believed that quitting school would be the greatest decision for me, but I knew I couldn’t disappoint my children,” Montoya Timaya Major stated. “My father eventually served as my inspiration for obtaining all of the degrees I have. After my mother died, my father raised me as a single parent and he always stressed the value of education.

He has encouraged and helped me in every way to ensure that I earn degrees in the subjects I was most interested in, she says. Additionally, she praised God for guiding her through her challenging academic career. “I asked God many times why I was facing so many difficulties, why my life was so tough, and why everything that I turned seemed to be attempting to stop me. But we succeeded because of a plan he had for me. I persevered, and I completed,” Montoya Timaya Major remarked.

“With the aid of my lovely girls, I have earned not one, but TWO degrees; without them, I would not have pushed myself to complete. Thanks to my father and friends, who encouraged me when I needed it most even though they couldn’t be there in person for me, she continued. “After two years, two children, and TWO degrees. By the grace of God, we not only completed the task, but WE MASTERED IT!!! I’m getting a master’s in health science in addition to my second bachelor’s degree in cardiovascular sonography,” Montoya Timaya Major continued.

CTA on Montoya Timaya Major’s Story

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